Hi Lovelies! Are you going a little stir crazy at home or can’t think of a fun activity to do with your kids because you have been home so long? We have discovered this amazing new AND yummy activity that Cookie Countess offers which are cookies you can paint yourself! Yes you read that right! […]
Our Favorite Loveliness
What’s New

Leopard Print Party!
Lovelies! We have already told you about our new obversion, leopard print pumpkin and fall things. Well today we have even more leopard print love with leopard print party ideas! This theme is just emerging so there isn’t a ton on inspiration in the market…yet but we are still swooning over the ideas below. Leopard […]
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New Obsession: Leopard Print Pumpkins and Fall Decor!
Lovelies! I have a new obsession andI can’t wait to share it with you. Leopard print pumpkins and fall decor! You may have seen this amazing print before, but it is back and better than ever this year. I can’t wait to get my hands on some leopard print shoes, shirts and coats this year […]
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This Year’s Pink Halloween Is Everything!
Hey Lovelies! Who is ready for the holidays to be here? I am! If it is 1 thing to get us our of this 2020 funk, it will be putting out pumpkins for Halloween and Christmas trees for Christmas. We all need a little joy right now and this year I am totally seeing PINK […]
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How to throw a DIY bridal shower while social distancing
Hey Lovies! We all know you are going through a lot right now trying to navigate Covid-19 while still trying to maintain a somewhat normal life. We feel for you and hope the best for your safety and health. With Things being so crazy right now, we figured it would be helpful to throw together […]
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Father’s Day Free Printables
Lovelies! Happy mid May, which means it is almost June and in June is Father’s Day! We are getting you all ready with a round up of Father’s Day Free Printables! We will know you love Free Printables, (Who doesn’t!?) And these ones are super cute and will get you ready for the day. There […]
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New Pretty From B. Lovely Events

Rustic & Cozy Hot Cocoa Bar!
Lovelies, we are getting into the holiday spirit today and warming up with a hot cocoa bar! Hot Cocoa is always one of our favorites for the holidays. We love them at holiday parties … [Read More...]

Real Wedding: Sarah And Nathan
Sarah and Nathan’s wedding nestled in the mountains of Larkspur, Colorado at Spruce Mountain Ranch incorporated all of their loves in life, friends and family the beautiful outdoors, and … [Read More...]

Best Of 2014
Hey Lovelies! Can you believe it is 2015? Neither can we! What a fun ride it has been. We can't believe we had over 1,300,000 views this year! So much growth in 2 years we just can't believe it. We … [Read More...]