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February is here! Time for Valentines Day!!

Yay it is finally February which means Valentines day is right around the corner, my favorite holiday! I love it because it feels like love is in the air. Everyone is giving small little gifts or cards they have made or bought and who doesn’t remember the  fabulous valentines boxes in elementary school which you stuffed with goodies you spend all night construction and writing names on. It’s great!  Because it is my favorite month I am going to be doing 14 days of Valentines ideas, tips and trends so be great to get inspired! These ideas are going to make your heart skip a beat.

Speaking of hearts, here is a tutorial from The House that Lars Built on how to send a heart attack to all of your friends and family! Seriously the best idea ever. Especially if your family lives in another state. I know I am going to send these out this year.

Send a heart attack

February is here! Time for Valentines Day!! was last modified: February 1st, 2013 by Emily Miller
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